A. Once your loan documentation is done. Your loan will be setup in two steps for the program fee INR 4,20,000/-
1. At the time of admission for loan value 1 - INR 2,82,495/-
2. Post placement for Loan Value 2 - INR 1,37,505/-
At the time of admission you have to pay the refundable deposit INR 56,499/- rest fee is to be paid post placement in easy EMI.
Post placement you have the following options available for Tuition fee payment -
a) Your first EMI will be due in 30 days.
b) You can pay the whole amount and close the loan immediately.
For loan value 2, a loan will be setup for INR 1,37,505/-. You have the following options available for placement support fee payment -
a) Your first EMI starts in 30 days.
b) You can pay the whole amount and close the loan immediately.
c) You can opt for a holiday period of 3 months, in which case your EMI will start after 3 months of placement, in this case the interest rate will be slightly higher.